Acest site a fost facut cu intentia de a fi o expozitie virtuala de lucrari artistice, dar si de a schimba idei si informatii cu iubitorii si creatorii de arta, in general. Desi nu am atins decat trei aspecte: pirogravura, desenul si fotografia, asta nu inseamna ca celelalte categorii artistice sunt ignorate; orice creatie artistica, fie ca este pictura, sculptura, schita, modelaj in lut sau orice altceva, poate fi expusa pe acest site. Pentru aceasta nu ezitati sa trimiteti fotografiile lucrarilor dumneavoastra la una din adresele mentionate. De asemenea criticile pertinente si eventualele sugestii sunt bine primite.
Ciutacu Dragos - Ionut
Contact info:
Phone: 004-021-7456721
Str.Drumul Taberei no.20 Bl.C2 Ap.168 Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania
Cu stima,
Dragos - Ionut Ciutacu


I made this site with the proposal to be a virtual exhibition art works, but to change ideas and informations with authors and art lovers, too. Although this site has just three art items for the moment: pyrography, drawing and photography, the other art categories are not ignored; any art creation, either painting, sculpture, sketch, modelling or whatever, can be posted here. To make this possible please send photographs of your work to one of the mentioned addressses. Also pertinent critiques and suggestions are wellcome.
Yours sincerely,
Dragos - Ionut Ciutacu